Sunday, November 27, 2011

Getting permission....

About ten years ago I was riding an old quarry road that led out to a paved town road. It was the perfect connector to other properties. As I approached the road I noticed a pickup parked there. No one was around so I continued on my way. When I came back to the connector trail the owner of the truck was there. I stopped and asked who was the property owner. It was him! So I talked about the local taxes and hunting stuff for a couple minutes. I told him I lived nearby and then the gamble... would it be OK if I rode through his property once in a while? He said sure...just not during hunting season. Done. I never saw him again yet I remembered his name and used it on other nearby owners. I didn't bring big group rides through there but maybe a few friends now and then. I had permission and as far as I'm concerned I'll have it until someone tells me otherwise.
Property owners typically don't mind a "local" rider as long as they don't see them acting like its their right to be there. Ask permission and then disappear. Don't push the "access" button. Just ride quietly by and never during big game season or if logging is going on.
So what to do if the owner says NO!? Keep off my land! Well that sucks! Then I might try an end around trail. This type of trail skirts the property in question and stays as close to the property line as possible. The neighboring property owner might not care about a short simple connector along their boundary. It actually might be helpful when they want to walk their lines.
I don't ride through the other guys land and respect his ownership..... unless there's a thunderstorm brewing and its the quickest way back to safety.
So whats your method of getting access?

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